Uwe Schmid / www.image-box.com
Landleben, Country life, beauteousness, beauty, belle, bloom, blossom, blossoms, bonniness, colored, coloured, dew, dud, elegancy, florescence, flower, flowers, goodliness, handsomeness, horizontally, love, nature, petals, pinko, plant, poesy, pulchritude, raindrop, raindrops, romanesque, romantic, romantically, romanticism, rose, roses, summer, symbol, tag, to plant, to versify, Freie Natur, Open country, Pflanze, Plant, Blume, Flower, Bluete, Bloom, Blatt, Leaf, Farbfotografie, Color photography, Landwirtschaft, Agriculture, Farming, Draussen, Outdoor, Urspruenglich, Original, Landluft, Country air, Ruhe, Stille, Silence, Rest, Quiet, Romantik, Romanesque, Romanticism, Natuerlichkeit, Naturelness, Naturkunde, Natural history