![Europe, DEU, Germany, Northrhine Westphalia, Ruhr district, Ruhr area, Graffiti, Wall painting....[ For each utilisation of my images my General Terms and Conditions are mandatory. Usage only against use message and proof. Download of my General Terms and Conditions under http://www.image-box.com or ask for sending. A clearance before usage is necessary...Material is subject to royalties. Each utilisation of my images is subject to a fee in accordance to the present valid MFM-List...Contact | archive@image-box.com | www.image-box.com ]](https://m.psecn.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000WD_7a7TtWFs/s/850/850/S-0001-13.jpg)

Europe, DEU, Germany, Northrhine Westphalia, Ruhr district, Ruhr area, Graffiti, Wall painting....[ For each utilisation of my images my General Terms and Conditions are mandatory. Usage only against use message and proof. Download of my General Terms and Conditions under http://www.image-box.com or ask for sending. A clearance before usage is necessary...Material is subject to royalties. Each utilisation of my images is subject to a fee in accordance to the present valid MFM-List...Contact | archive@image-box.com | www.image-box.com ]
Uwe Schmid / www.image-box.com
Federal state, North Rhine Westphalia, North Rhine Westfalia, Northrhine Westphalia, Northrhine Westfalia, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Farbfotografie, Color photography, Wandgestaltung, Wall Covering, Wand, Wall, Farbgebung, Paintwork, Farbig, Bunt, Farbenfreudig, Colourful, Coulered, Farbe, Colour, Zeichen, Sign, Kunst am Bau, Art-Details, Kultur, Culture, Kult, Cult, Kuenstler, Artist, Kuenste, Arts, Graffiti, Gebaeudedetail, Detail