Uwe Schmid / www.image-box.com
Pflanzen, Landleben, Country life, Naturkunde, Natural history, Natuerlichkeit, Naturelness, Romantik, Romanesque, Romanticism, Ruhe, Stille, Silence, Rest, Quiet, Landluft, Country air, Urspruenglich, Original, Draussen, Outdoor, Landwirtschaft, Agriculture, Farming, Farbfotografie, Color photography, Blatt, Leaf, Bluete, Bloom, Blume, Flower, Pflanze, Plant, Freie Natur, Open country, to versify, to plant, tag, symbol, summer, roses, rose, romanticism, romantically, romantic, romanesque, raindrops, raindrop, pulchritude, poesy, plant, pinko, petals, nature, love, horizontally, handsomeness, goodliness, flowers, flower, florescence, elegancy, dud, dew, coloured, colored, bonniness, blossoms, blossom, bloom, belle, beauty, beauteousness, Formen, Buchtitel, Buchcover, Coverbild, Titelbild, Symbolbild, Duplexdruck, Regen, Tropfen, Blaetter, Rosenblaetter, Braunstich, Naturwunder, Sepiafarben, Sepia, Duplex, Gartenpflanze, Garten, Jahreszeit, Nahaufnahme, Makro, Macro, Ausschnitt, Detail, Bluete, Farben, Symbolik, Symbol, Farbe, Bluete, Botanik, Blumen